

She makes you cry

She makes you laugh

Sarcastic at times

She challenges you

And when you fall

She gives you the push and hope


I’m done fighting

I put my weapons down

Tired of the resistance

I just need love care and nurture

I surrender

I free fall

I put my weapons down

I free float

I freee fall

I go limp


Just pure surrender and faith

And I find my spark of hope

My guiding light

My strength

I follow this star

I’m not taking my eyes off of it

I’m holding on

For dear life

And I make it

Swinging with joy

And vibrancy

My cup floweth empty

My heart floweth empty

I gave so much

of my love

My time

My energy

My heart

My soul

Hoping to expect some love in return.

Not much

But just even a little a drop or two would

Have sufficed

To make my stupid heart happy

But I didn’t

And now I’m bedridden

In a house arrest

Like I have an ankle monitor

My movements severely restricted

My emotions at times all over the place

And at times just one pointed

In the hopes that I can save myself

I blamed everyone who took from me but the truth was they didn’t take from me

I Just gave to them generously

And now I’m empty

I’m dry.

I’m cracked

Oh if only I had just given some love and care and respect to myself I wouldn’t be in this predicament right now.

Bitter Sweet

Instead of torturing me

Just take me now

I ran and ran and ran

Kept changing directions

Hoping to find a different ending

A better ending

But everywhere I went

There was suffering and distress

There was no escape

Life is nothing. But suffering and misery with some brief moments of foolish short lived pleasure

I’ve experienced God.

I’ve heard Aum the unstruck sound

I’ve realized my self

What we call self realization

I’ve not just tasted it but lived it

For three full days

The most blissful

But that doesn’t give you any perks

You still Have to live out your karma

It’s bitter sweet

bitter because you have to suffer just a bit more sweet because you know moksha is just round the corner

There are no more karmic debts to pay you are free. Almost there.

Once Upon a Time

Life used to be simple

yes this was once upon a time.

Long long ago

When life was innocent

When we ate berries straight of the bush

rode bikes in the wild

Despite hearing stories of cheetahs and cobras and wild elephants. We fearlessly ventured.

When we adopted a stray puppy

Regardless of whether it had its shots or not. ( I only know that now)

When we joyfully and hopefully made kites that would never fly

When we lived in a world where we believed our Allah-din carpet would surely fly one day. We just had to believe. We just weren’t believing enough. It was our fault. Our weakness. When catching flying leaves was a competition of who could catch the most mid air.

And the Biggest joy was reading a book or a story with a heart warming ending.

What is Life?

Is it too short?

or is it too long?

Life is neither short nor too long.

It’s just precious.

Make the most of it.

Kind thoughts.

Kind words and

kind actions.

Minimize your karmic debt as much as you can

and seek the path to self-realization for freedom.

In the end it will all be alright.

It’s just the in betweens we have to get through.

All we need to know and accept is that we are different

But just because we are different or look different, doesn’t mean our dreams matter less

Respect the differences

Don’t judge.

Once upon a time, long long ago, there lived a princess. She was vibrant , and healthy and full of joy. And she lived happily ever after for the rest of her life.

It would be great if this were the story. Beginning to end. But we all know that’s not how life goes.

Life starts our simple and gets complicated for most of us. For some of us it starts complicated and ends up simple and fulfilling.

Your Embrace

My dear Lord

Can you love me


Will you catch me when I fall

Will You hold me

When I’m too weak to stand

Even when I’m too weak to light a lamp for you

Will you enlighten my way

That leads me to you

To your embrace

When I wilt and wither

Will you tighten your embrace?