Why is it that the people we care for a lot are the ones who end up hurting us the most?

Why is it that the people we care for a lot are the ones who end up hurting us the most?

When you invest yourself in people you know there is at some subconscious or even conscious level an expectation that your efforts will be reciprocated in equal magnitude. When it is not reciprocated we get hurt.

If you are a naturally giving person by heart and tend to give of yourself, it is best to give your time and effort to other causes, to people who actually need help.

When you give a bag of food and clothes to a homeless person do you ever carry any expectation that one day that homeless person will help you or reciprocate your kindness?

No. Not at all. You don’t even remember the face of the person you helped. You feel satisfied and you move on; there is a feeling of happiness and freedom.

This feeling is missing when you invest a lot of yourself in people you know-friends/family/relatives.  The reality is – They don’t need so much of you. They are quite capable. So there is really no need to be giving so much of yourself to them. Save that part of yourself for those who need you, not those who take advantage of your generosity; OR when helping friends and family adopt a different mentality-that of charity. When you do charity there is automatically no feeling of expectation.


Two major things will be accomplished by adopting this:

– Emotional freedom and contentment deep down for you, and

– The world will be a better place 🙂

“One is never wounded by the love one gives, only by the love one expects.”
Marty Rubin

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. njaggi
    Aug 27, 2015 @ 10:33:43

    I share this sentiment almost completely.
    Continued best wishes to you, Yachna!


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