The Violet Flame

FotoSketcher - purple flowerThe Violet Flame meditation is an effective tool for healing physical and emotional wounds, healing traumatic experiences from this life or a past life, and cleansing your aura. It can be used whenever you feel low energy, sad, anxious or any such negative emotions. Regular practice of the violet flame meditation makes one feel vibrant and buoyant.

This meditation is believed to transmute negative dense energy into positive high vibration frequency. It is believed that the atoms of our physical and spiritual bodies get clogged with dense negative energy which resides in the space around the nucleus, which in turn slows down the vibration of the electrons.  This can manifest as sickness/disease.  This meditation helps transmute this negative energy into positive energy. In India this negative energy that clogs our spiritual body is referred to as sanskar or impressions or past life memories, wounds or trauma that is left behind in our psyche and has accumulated over several life times.  Pranayam is recommended to help get rid of these impressions so one may rise above them instead of being held back by them and getting stuck in a rut.

“Negative thoughts and feelings create an excess of acid within the body that is too much for our bodies to detoxify. This causes the breakdown of our physical energy systems, disease and illness. The Violet Flame can help heal our bodies on a physical level by removing the negative energy that creates the acidic conditions. It goes to work on the deeper causes on the mental, emotional, causal, psychic and spiritual levels.  On the atomic level, vibration is the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Violet Flame Meditation actually changes our vibratory rate, working on the atomic level. When the atoms of our bodies are imbued with negativity, we vibrate slower, at a lower vibration, which causes us to resonate with MORE negativity and actually attract it. We become more dense and coarse, with less light shining within.”


I was introduced to the violet flame meditation through a fellow blogger over a year ago; prior to that I had never heard of it.  I went online and did as much reading on it as possible.  I found that the methods aren’t all consistent, but the idea behind it is the same. After much reading I finally came up with a good understanding of this meditation.  At first I underestimated this mediation, but after putting it into practice I found it to be one of the most powerful visualization meditation techniques ever.

After regular weeks of practice I started noticing that I could sense inner vibrations merely after repeating the decree a few times.  The meditation begins with saying a payer asking for protection.  It could be prayer to Archangel Michael or depending on your religious beliefs whoever you choose. Ask to be protected during the meditation as it can attract negative entities since negative entities will tend to draw energy from your light. Visualize a tube of bright white light surrounding you and going out several feet around and above and below you. Maybe it fills the entire room around you.

Next ask Saint Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel, Lady Amethyst and Lady Portia to guide you and assist you through the violet flame meditation. The above are considered to be angels of the seventh ray which is the violet ray. Saint Germain is credited for bringing the violet flame meditation to the masses. Continue by repeating a decree out loud.  There are many decrees, but I choose the classic decree:

I am a being of violet fire

I am the purity God desires 

Visualize a violet fire (flames and crackling fire sounds) rising from below you and slowly enveloping you in a 6 ft. radius all around.  The flame is cool and does not hurt you, but helps burn away the negativity. (Some visualize a violet light emanating form the heart and spreading to surround their entire being while others visualize it pouring in through the crown.)

Repeat out loud for about five minutes and ask that the violet flame help transmute your negative energy to positive energy. Something along the lines of:

I ask the violet flame to transmute any and all heavy dense negative energy that is present in my atoms and transmute it to positive energy.  I ask that this transmutation occur in my physical body, my emotional body and my mental body, at all levels, in all dimensions and across all lifetimes the past, present and future.  (Say this out loud).

Visualize the crackling violet flame working on your body at an atomic level. Feel the flames. Do this for several minutes.

Once you are done, visualize the flames getting smaller. Then thank the violet flame and the angels of the seventh ray.  Visualize any excess energy being flushed out through your feet and into the ground.

The violet flame meditation is extremely powerful which you will realize with regular practice.  Although it has been stated that it doesn’t have any side effects, I would strongly recommend one begin and end this meditation with ample grounding techniques especially if you suffer from any ailments above the heart chakra like vertigo, dizziness, headaches etc.  Practice while seated in a chair with your feet touching the ground. If you practice while lying down you will fall asleep without getting a chance to flush out the excess energy that this generates. Maybe not immediately but over some time you might wake up one morning feeling top heavy, spaced out or with a migraine or vertigo.

I have included some links below:

Violet Flame Miracles and Benefits

The pdf to the Violet flame Meditation.  I found this a couple of years ago, but can’t remember where.


Happy New Year 2014!!!



The Smiling Buddha Mudra for Negative Emotions like Depression, Worry, Fear, Anger, Impatience

smiling Buddha

smiling Buddha yachnayoga

Sit comfortably on a chair or cross legged with your spine straight.

Bend you arms and place your elbows close to your body.

Maintain a 30 degree angle between the forearm and upper arm. Your forearms should be parallel to each other.

Now bend the little and ring fingers of both hands and press them down with the thumbs.

The index finger and middle finger are straight (comfortably straight for you not forced) and pointing upwards.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on the third eye region.

You may mentally chant Sa, Ta, Na, Ma (Infinity, Life, Death, Rebirth/Light)

Practice regularly for 10 minutes

This mudra opens the flow of energy to the heart and helps fight negative emotions like depression, worry, fear, anger, impatience


How do People Just Fall Asleep???

Anyone who has ever suffered from insomnia has probably asked themselves that question.  I know I have.  My husband stays up late playing x-box, watching Godfather, comes to bed, lays his head on the pillow and within seconds (and I am not joking) I hear his deep restful snores while I (who came to bed 2 hours before him) am still fighting for sleep to arrive. 

But that was two years ago.  For many years I suffered from terrible insomnia. I dreaded bed time, because it meant that slowly everyone would fall asleep, and I would just be staring in the dark waiting for sleep to descend, waiting for heavy eyelids; shutting my eyes hoping to get some sleep and forcing relaxation techniques that didn’t work, finally getting out of bed and reaching in the dark for the sleep aid, waking up 3 hours later and carrying on through my day all groggy, lethargic, yawning, tired and irritable only to repeat all of this the following night. 

In my past articles I have strongly recommended meditation for the insomniacs.  It is a sure fire, fail safe method.  It helped me tremendously and immediately after my first session I slept like I had never slept before.  No more waking up in the middle of the night; no more trips to the bathroom.  I would actually start falling asleep on the couch (before my husband  🙂 ) 

But what if one can’t meditate or what if one just can’t find the time to do it?

There is one other sure fire fail safe solution.

Wait for it…..wait for it……

The Frolov Breathing Device. 

I purchased this device to help me with a health condition related to breathing difficulty and in the process benefitted from it not just with my health issue, but in so many other ways.  One of the things I noticed immediately was that my sleep became even deeper.  The device has been proven to be helpful in a wide range of diseases. The benefits are too many for me to list here so I have included links below. and

A short breathing session (e.g., 3-5 minutes) with the Frolov breathing device leads to quick reduction in acute symptoms of many chronic diseases (including exacerbation of asthma, bronchitis, headache, chest pain due to angina, blocked nose, chronic coughing, pain due to arthritis, dyspnea, constipation, shortness of breath, and seizures). Typical breathing sessions (15 min or longer) produce a profound and lasting rejuvenating effect with a feeling of increased energy; improved focus, sleep, digestion; and many other positive physiological and biochemical changes.” ~ 

Modern man (due to stress, anxiety, overeating, deep breathing etc) breathes twice more air than the medical norm (hyperventilation).  The ideal breathing pattern for super healthy individuals (which is extremely rare and found in hard core yogis and advanced practitioners of meditation) is 3 breaths/minute.  The established medical norm for breathing is 12 breaths/ minute or a volume of 6L/minute, the average modern individual is 6-7L/minute in comparison to sick individuals who breathe in an average volume of 15L ±/minute.   We don’t realize but we are hyperventilating, mouth breathing or chest breathing.  This causes loss of CO2 which results in constriction of arteries and alveoli.  This constriction results in poor flow of blood, a suppression of Bohr’s effect (which means hemoglobin refuses to release oxygen in cells which have low carbon dioxide concentrations) which in turn reduces oxygen supply to the brain and other tissues and organs.  Reduces levels of oxygen in our body leads to chronic diseases like asthma, COPD, heart disease, diabetes, cancer (cancer is an anaerobic disease that cannot survive in conditions of high oxygen.  Over breathing/deep breathing/hyperventilation leads to poor oxygenation of cells and tissues, and results in disease.). Just remember, the deeper and harder you breathe the more carbon dioxide you lose, and the less oxygen delivered to cells and tissues.  

Carbon dioxide is a powerful natural sedative and so is oxygen.  It helps calm our nerves, but when we hyperventilate or breathe more than the healthy norm it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in our brain cells.  This in turn also leads to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, negative thinking etc. 

Before you purchase this device (or its equivalent-Breathslim) you might try the Butyeko breathing method first, since the Frolov Device is based on the principles of Butyeko breathing technique and produces the same results which is it increases your body cell oxygen level.  With the Butyeko method the practitioner breathes in less air to create air hunger and maintains this hunger for a few minutes.  This helps increase the carbon dioxide level in the arterial blood which in turn increases the delivery of oxygen to cells, tissues and all vital organs.  I prefer the device because it is easier to follow on a daily basis.

This is how to fall asleep fast using the Butyeko Method: 

Chronic Diseases caused by low body oxygen:

 Excerpts from

“Many people believe that breathing more air (as in deep breathing) increases oxygen content in cells. This is not true. Generally, breathing more reduces oxygen content even in the arterial blood.” 

“The change in air composition during human evolution and evolution of animals on the Earth was the key factor that led to appearance of chronic diseases. This is because hyperventilation was beneficial for creatures living in primitive air with very low O2 content and high CO2 content 1-2 millions of years ago, but over breathing destroys health now.” 

“Easier and lighter breathing after the breathing session will last for many hours due to the adaptation of the breathing centre to slower and more relaxed breathing with higher CO2 levels in body cells and improved body-oxygen content, which can be easily measured using the body-oxygen test. Systematic applications of the Frolov breathing device, combined with healthy lifestyle changes, lead to clinical remission of many chronic diseases.” 

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a potent natural muscle relaxant. It is also among the strongest and best muscle relaxers as well. Once people have normal CO2 in their cells, they do not need over the counter muscle relaxers. 

“One may spend years practicing asanas and thousands of hours doing breathing exercises, but if his or her body-oxygen levels remain unchanged, he or she will suffer from the same health problems. Essence of yoga is in correct (or ideal) automatic breathing day and night for maximum oxygenation of the body cells. This breathing pattern is diaphragmatic, very slow and light. It ensures up to 2-3 minutes for the body-oxygen test and over 7-8 minutes for maximum breath holding time due to highest possible body-O2 levels.”

There are several websites that sell the Frolov Device.

I purchased mine from as it is local to where I live.

Vaastu Shastra: For Health, Happiness and Prosperity

This is one topic I have been meaning to share for quite a while now.  For those of you who are new to this, Vaastu Shastra is the Indian equivalent (kinda sorta) of Feng Shui.  It is the ancient science of architecture that provides guidance on the construction of homes and offices in accordance with certain principles that allow for the proper and efficient use of the cosmic energies of space, air, water, fire and earth for enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and overall happiness. 

These five elements of matter are called panch bhuta (panch means five and bhuta means elements). Everything in the universe including us human beings are made up of these elements. An imbalance in these elements creates sickness, disease, stress psychological problems, fear, doubt etc. in the human body. Similarly if we reside in a home which is in disharmony with the universal five elements they could possibly create disharmony in our mind and function of the body bringing with it stress, sickness, and disease.  Hence vaastu is the science behind the art of living in harmony with these elements.

The five elements also form the foundation or basis of Ayurveda, which is an ancient science of healing/medicine according to which sickness and disease of body and mind is a result of an imbalance or dosha in one or more of these elements and the body can be returned to balance by balancing these elements through herbs, diet, lifestyle. Hand mudras/yoga also help balance these different elements. 


There are many websites out there with a ton of information about vaastu and when I read the comments of the readers I feel terrible for the people who are paralyzed by fear of death, disease, financial problems etc because their house layout doesn’t exactly match the expert’s advice for Vaastu compliance.  Vaastu tips are great to keep in mind when purchasing a house, but in today’s era when very few people have much control over the design of their house and shape of their lot/plot it is best to follow what you can and not fret about what you can’t.  Something is better than nothing. Following the principles of vaastu is akin to going with the flow where you just drift like plankton as opposed to swimming against the flow, or swimming upstream, fighting against odds. It just expends much of your energy, resulting in fatigue and stress. 

The topic of vaastu is deep.  It is impossible and not even practical to try to abide by each and every rule. I am not an expert/guru in this topic, but I have read plenty and also applied this in my own life. Below are some important tips in the order of importance to me. Another reason for this article is to alleviate fears that have gotten lodged in the minds of people who feel helpless and believe every aspect of their life is under control of the vaastu of their home. A few clever tips can help improve the vaastu of your home and also ease your mind.  

Shape of the Lot: Preferable shapes are square, rectangle, cow face (narrow in front and wide in back), and rectangle with projection in north east. Snake face lots (wide in front and narrow in back, like entering a snake’s mouth), trapezoid shaped lots and odd shaped lots should be avoided. Square shaped lots are most auspicious, but extremely rare. 

Incline/elevation of the lot:  The land in the eastern portion of the lot should be lower than the land in the western portion. Similarly the north should be lower than the South, and north east should be lower than the south west.  The north, east and north-east should be clean, light and clear of anything heavy and dense; so no garages, garbage cans, bathrooms, toilets, staircase etc in the north east as it blocks the high frequency positive vibrations.  In our second home, the garage orientation was turning out to be in the north-east so I asked the builder to flip it to its mirror image.  This placed the garage in the south east which is ideal for a garage and helped keep my north east clean and clear for receiving high frequency positive vibrations. 

Direction of the House:  Houses facing north-east, east and north are preferable to houses facing south, west, south-west, north-west, and south east.  If your house faces any of these directions don’t panic, because what matter is the overall grade/vaastu score of your house. For example, you may have a house that faces west, but it might still be fulfilling many other vaastu requirements.  Our previous house faced west, but I chose that because with that direction all other important requirements of elevation and orientation of kitchen and bedrooms were fulfilled.  Had I purchased this house on an east facing lot, I would have met the requirement for best direction, but would have failed in 5 other categories.   Another family I knew had a south facing house, but the house was very vaastu compliant in terms of elevation (south was higher than north), kitchen was in south east and bedrooms were in south and south west; another example of an overall good grade. 

Kitchen: Ideally the kitchen should be in the south east portion of the house. Second best location of kitchen is north-west or south west.

Prayer room:  All Hindu homes have a prayer room or an area within a room designated for worship.  This should be in the north-east portion of the house or north east portion of a room in case the first choice is not possible. Idols should be facing west so you can face east.  Alternately you can have the idols face east while you face west, but I prefer the first orientation.

Master Bedroom: south west, west directions are best for master bedroom. One should sleep with head in south and feet in north. Other directions can be – head in the east or west, but NEVER in the north as it causes sickness, disease, nightmares etc.  Also bedroom in north is not good as it causes financial hardship and mental stress. But lets say you have a bedroom in the north, you can place the bed in the southern or western portion of the room.  Similarly if your master bedroom is located in the south east, you can counter the effect by placing the bed in the south/west or south west portion and sleeping with head in south or west and feet in north or east.

 Children’s rooms in west and north-west are preferred, other positions are acceptable if it is not possible but in no case should a child or guest be allowed to occupy a bedroom in the south west.  This is the place of the owner of the house.

Guest bedroom: north-west is ideal 

Locker/Treasury: Most homes don’t keep storage lockers for their wealth in the house anymore.  But if you keep cash and jewellery at home (any amount) the best place is in the north portion of the house as this is the direction of Kuber-the god of wealth. This room could be a closet or a home office.  The stash can be placed in the southern portion of this room so that you can access it from the front/north.  Alternately it can be placed in the western portion so you can access it from the east.

Dining Room: West direction is best for placement of dining room.

Garage: South west or south east portions are better suited for garages or heavy items, machinery etc. 

Water Feature/Fountain: should be placed in the north eastern zone of the house/lot 

Other Tips 

  1. Planting Tulsi /holy basil plants in the yard helps clear the surroundings of vaastu dosha (vaastu non-compliance). Tulsi can be borrowed from any Hindu temple or a hindu home that has the plant.  This plant is greatly revered in all Hindu homes.  It is believed to possess high frequency vibrations that help clear the surroundings of any negative energy or vaastu defect.  Ashok trees also help remove any vaastu defects.

    Holy Basil

    Tulsi Plant

  2. Keeping Lemon in water also helps to protect your house from vastu dosha, evil eye and attracts prosperity. Place lemon/lime is a clear glass of water. Replace the water daily and toss the lemon out when the lemon changes color/looks rotten. Mopping floors with salt water helps remove negative energy. Saging the house, using incense/dhoop etc helps remove negative energy. Placing fresh cut flowers in rooms with low energy and poor vaastu and painting the rooms in vaastu compliant colors can help counter some of the negative effects
  3. Vaastu puja should be done by a qualified person/priest before one occupies the home to pacify Vaastu. 
  4. Vaastu yantras and pyraminds are also available that can be buried in the ground or placed as per an expert’s advice.  Below is also a link for a website that sells panch bhoota rosaries for protection against negative energy. 
  5. One website recommends meditation.  I strongly believe in it because I myself have seen the amazing benefits of meditation first hand.  It is a miraculous progressive form of healing the mind, spirit and in turn the body. It helps balance the five elements and removes fear, doubt, anxiety, and stress. It creates a protective shield of positive energy field around you.  In addition to meditation, it is important to follow a disciplined regimen of healthy diet and exercise to produce an overall healing effect on the body and a general sense of well being. 
  6. Balancing chakras through gemstones for astrological purpose or chakra visualization meditations.
  7. I read somewhere that before cooking on a skillet, sprinkle a few drops of water on it so it sizzles away.  This helps diffuse family tension.


NOTE: this article is just a general guide.  You might notice minor inconsistencies in the placement or arrangement of certain rooms like kitchen and garage based on varied information resources that are available out there. The field of vaastu is very deep and can get complicated depending on how deep you want to delve into it. You are advised to seek the guidance of an expert prior to making changes in your existing home or prior to purchasing a home/office.  Purchase a good book by a figure that is an authority in the field. 


Some links you might find helpful:


Mudra for Physical and Emotional Detoxification


photoHere is a great mudra to help you cleanse your mind and body of physical and emotional toxins and debris.

Place the thumbs of both hands on the inner edge of the third digit/phalange of your ring finger. 

Be mindful when practicing instead of doing it mechanically. All mudras should be practiced for 30-45 minutes.  You can break it down into 3 sets of 10 minutes or 3 sets of 15 minutes respectively. 


Resource: The Healing Power of Mudras by Rajendar Menen

This past weekend I came across the most important website I ever visited.  It has been life changing for me and I hope you will find it equally useful.  Majority of us consider carbon dioxide to be a toxic gas and the general perception is that it should be eliminated. But carbon dioxide plays a very essential role in our  physical and mental health and is key in the prevention and elimination of anxiety, stress, insomnia, etc. The owner of the website Dr. Artour Rakhimov also shares a breathing technique called Butyeko Breathing Technique that stresses the importance of reduced breathing for the healthy concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in our cells. It is  a very simple, but highly effective technique. I strongly recommend reading this information as this could be life changing for you or someone you know.


The Five Tibetan Rites-For Youth, Rejuvenation,Vigor and Long Life

“Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth”- That is the title of the book I happened to come across yesterday.  It was written by Peter Kelder and was originally published in 1939 under the title – “The Eye of Revelation”. 

In the book, Peter Kelder shares the clandestine Five Tibetan Rites that have been practiced by the ageless Lamas or Tibetan monks for centuries in a remote monastery in Tibet.  These rites are inspired by certain yogic poses, and when done in a specific order and a certain number of times are known to bestow the practitioner with youth, vigor and vitality. According to the book, the monks taught British Colonel Bradford these secret rites while he resided with them in their monastery the 1920s.   He is credited for bringing the secret rites to the West. The Five Rites have been extolled for having the ability to produce extraordinary results within a month. When performed diligently and strictly, these exercises have the ability of making a 70 + year old appear as a 40 year old!!!!  .


How do the Five Rites Work?

Stress, worry, poor lifestyle choices and certain life circumstances negatively affect our seven chakras by slowing them down, blocking them or distorting them.   This in turn disturbs the normal flow of prana through the body and eventually leads to aging, decay, sickness or disease.

The five rites help restore the chakras to their normal healthy spinning speed thereby allowing the prana or life force to course freely through the body.  The result is a healthy, youthful and strong body.

I tried these exercises today for the first time and was able to manage 5 repetitions of each.  The goal is to finally be able to do 21 repetitions of each rite or exercise. Although not mentioned in the book, I would strongly advise practitioners of the Five Rites to conclude their session with the corpse pose.  This will help ground you and prevent you from feeling nauseous, giddy or unbalanced after the practice.

Below is a link to the 1985 revised version of the original book under the title- “Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth

How to Effortlessly Increase your Threshold for Anger and Stress


PRANA-The Quanta of our Vitality and Energy

Prana is the vital life force or life breath and is the subtle essence of vata or air element.  It is responsible for life in an individual.  It is responsible for vitality and energy and the processes of respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion etc.  Heart chakra is described as a divine lotus with 12 petals that have Sanskrit letters. Prana lives in the heart along with past desires and egoism.

The different modifications of this prana, results in ten principle types of pranas. These are:

Pran– located in the heart chakra and responsible for respiratory and circulatory functions.

Apan-located in the root chakra and is responsible for elimination

Saman-located in the solar plexus chakra and responsible for digestion

Udana-located in the throat chakra and is responsible for sound

Vyan-located in the sacral chakra and is responsible for movement and circulation throughout the body?

Naga-responsible for eructation/burping

Kurma– responsible for opening eyes

Krikara-responsible for hunger and thirst

Devadatta-responsible for yawning

Dhananjay– responsible for hiccoughs/hiccups

Of these the first 5 are important ones and of them the first two-pran and apan are the most important. The heart is the seat of pran, the anus is the seat of apan, the navel region is the seat of samana, the throat is the seat of udana and vyan moves throughout the body. The remainder vayus, are in charge of functions like eructation (naga), opening eyes (kurma), hunger and thirst (krikira), yawning (devadatta) and hiccups (dhananjaya).

We imbibe prana when we breathe.  Hence, the reserves of prana can be increased by performing pranayam which leads to good health of mind and body.

Anulom Vilom increases the vital capacity of the lungs and helps purify the energy channels in the astral body. According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika~ The body of a person whose energy channels or nadis are pure will be lean and glowing. Purification of nadis leads to good health.”

Bhastrika also known as bellows breath involves forceful inhalation followed by forceful exhalation. It is beneficial in cases of allergies, asthma. It makes the lungs strong. It should not be done during pregnancy and menstruation.  For people with high pitta/internal heat, sheetali is a better option.

Bhramari helps strengthen prana and is good for thyroid, thymus and the parathyroid glands. Bhramari means bee, so one makes the sound of a humming bee when performing this pranayam. One should close their ears with their thumbs, inhale and upon exhalation, simultaneously hum with the mouth closed.

While Bhastrika and Bhramari help increase prana, Shambhavi mudra can result in a quantum increase in prana.

Sitting in the lotus pose helps balance prana, ojas, tejas and helps open the heart chakra.

Being honest with our feelings and emotions builds prana, ojas and tejas.

According to David Frawley’s book, Yoga and Ayurveda –

“These three forces (ojas, tejas and prana) are interrelated. Prana and tejas are rooted in ojas and can be regarded as aspects of ojas. Tejas is the heat and light energy of ojas that has an oily quality and, like ghee can sustain a flame. Prana is the energy and strength that comes from ojas after it has been kindled into tejas. Ojas proper is the potential, the stamina of the mind and nervous system for holding tejas and prana. Ojas has the capacity to turn into tejas (heat), which has the capacity to turn into prana (electricity).”

Recommended Reading: Ojas and Tejas

Resources: Secrets of the Pulse, By Vasant Lad, Shiva Samhita

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